Today, I Learned That Not All Brothas Knock Afrocentric Beauty


In the past, lighter-skinned slaves that had been conceived through rape of their mothers by their masters were put on a low-tier pedestal above their darker-skinned counterparts. They were treated better, made “house niggers,” and got privileges from their masters. After slavery was abolished, although they were still considered Black (thus, no equal rights for them), they were still considered more beautiful than the dark-complexioned for their European characteristic(s). I could go on and on about this, but I’m just going to make it short and sweet: this mentality still persists today in our so-called “civilized society of equality.” Only now, things are a little different. This perpetual denigration continues within Black society–with Black people being the perpetrators. Now I’m not saying that people outside of the race appreciate all shades of Black, but I am saying that it seems that the victimization of darker-skinned individuals comes from fellow lighter-skinned…

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